Be a tissue donor. All it costs is a little love.
Disease models such as cell lines provide an indefinite source of biological material for experimental purposes. Historically, a lack of the availability of SDH-deficient cell lines has posed a major barrier to advancing SDH cancer research. Properly handled tumor samples removed during surgery are extremely valuable to researchers.
If you are scheduling a SDH-deficient cancer surgery, please consider making a tissue donation to researchers who are actively seeking to grow cell lines. Extra tumor tissue removed during surgery must be frozen at a slow rate in order to prevent crystallization within the cells which would rupture the cell membranes, rendering the cells unusable. The slow-freezing process is achieved through use of specific freezing reagents at the time of surgery. These reagents can be shipped ahead of time to the pathology department where your surgery will be performed.
Sharing SDH-deficient tumor tissue for research is performed at no cost to the patient and does not affect their care. Upon patient request and the cooperation of the surgeon and the sending hospital pathology department, the SDH Foundation can coordinate the tissue handling and transfer.
To initiate the process:
Fill out and submit the tissue donation application (to the right) as soon as you become aware of your upcoming surgery. Provide as much advance notice as possible to allow adequate time for the team to make the necessary arrangements.
Inform your surgeon (and their physician's assistant) of your desire to have a sample of your tumor shared with other researchers.